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    More Than a Summer Music Camp

    Our mission is to provide a creative and supportive environment for young adults
    to grow as musicians and people.

    Music Events

    Visit Upcoming Events

    Music of Argentina

    If you want to feel the unique South American flavor, join us for an evening with the music and dance from Argentina.

    A Night of Jazz

    Are you a fan of Ella Fitzgerald or Frank Sinatra? Then this concert is just what you need! Partake in the night of improvisation.

    Music of Many Nations

    Our musicians will present you with an amazing experience and unforgettable impressions with their stunning musical odyssey.

    History of the Piano

    Are you as passionate about the piano as we are? Then join a practical class taught by some of the best pianists in the world.

    A Night of Classical Music

    Are you an admirer of Frederic Chopin or Antonio Vivaldi? Then this concert will be right up your alley! The night full of inspiration.

    History of the Saxophone

    Are you as passionate about the saxophone as we are? Then join a theoretical class to learn more about the instrument’s origin and history.

    Music of the United States

    If you want to feel the unique North American flavor, join us for an evening of music and dance from the United States.

    History of the Guitar

    Are you as passionate about the guitar as we are? If so, you are welcome to attend a unique class taught by the living legend.

    Clients Say


    知り合いに勧められてなんとなくスタートした二胡ですが、今ではすっかり二胡の魅力にハマっています。 先生はそのひとに合わせた教え方をしてくれるのでとてもわかりやすく、またみんなで演奏をする機会も多いのでそれがモチベーションのアップにつながっています。

    川尻 陽介

    川尻 陽介


    もともとアニメが大好きで、この教室ではアニソンやJ-POP風の曲なども弾けることを知り、自分も弾いてみたいと思い入会しました。 少人数制のグループレッスンはとても和気あいあいとしていて、アットホームな教室だと思います。

    日高 悠

    日高 悠


    歌が好きでアマチュアバンドで歌っていたのですが、楽器を弾きながら歌えたらと思った時に二胡を弾きながら歌う里地帰先生のライブをみて惹かれたのが二胡を習うきっかけでした。 レッスンでは個人の癖や苦手なところを的確に教えてもらえるのが気に入っています。

    原口 眞野子

    原口 眞野子

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    44 Shirley Ave. West Chicago, IL 60185

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